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JCC Operating Hours

Normal Facility Operating Hours

Sunday8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Monday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Tuesday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Wednesday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Thursday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Friday5:30 am - 6:00 pm

Saturday8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Fitness Center Hours

Sunday8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Monday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Tuesday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Wednesday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Thursday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Friday5:30 am - 6:00 pm

Saturday8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Pool Hours

Sunday8:00 am - 3:45 pm

Monday5:30 am - 2:00 pm
3:30 pm - 8:15 pm

Tuesday5:30 am - 2:00 pm
3:30 pm - 8:15 pm

Wednesday5:30 am - 2:00 pm
3:30 pm - 8:15 pm

Thursday5:30 am - 2:00 pm
3:30 pm - 8:15 pm

Friday5:30 am - 5:45 pm

Saturday8:00 am - 3:45 pm

Membership Office Hours

Sunday9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Monday9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Wednesday9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Thursday9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Holiday Hours 2024-2025

Monday, September 2

Labor Day

8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Wednesday, October 2

Erev Rosh Hashanah

5:30 am - 1:00 pm
Thursday, October 3

Rosh Hashanah, D1

Friday, October 4

Rosh Hashanah, D2

Friday, October 11

Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre

5:30 am - 1:00 pm
Saturday, October 12

Yom Kippur

Thursday, November 28

Thanksgiving Day

8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Tuesday, December 24

Christmas Eve

8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Wednesday, December 25

Christmas Day

8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Tuesday, December 31

New Year's Eve

8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Wednesday, January 1

New Year's Day

8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Saturday, April 12

Erev Passover

8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday, April 13

Passover, D1

Monday, May 26

Memorial Day

8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Friday, July 4

Independence Day

8:00 am - 1:00 pm



Virtual Event | JCC MetroWest NJ, United States

JCC MetroWest presents, Eleanor Reissa, "The Letters Project"   A sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion Holo­caust mem­oir, The Let­ters Project con­sti­tutes an impor­tant addi­tion to the grow­ing library of works explor­ing inher­it­ed trau­ma. In 1986, upon the death of her moth­er, Eleanor Reis­sa — an acclaimed actress, singer, direc­tor, writer, and con­tem­po­rary Yid­dish per­former — was stunned to dis­cov­er a stash of 56 let­ters writ­ten in Ger­man, hid­den inside […]

Life Long Learning: The Hearing Loss Experience: Its Stigmas, Challenges, & Successes

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

A Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center Lecture Judy Levitan, AuD, CCC-A, an audiologist at the Audio Services Hearing Center at the Barnabas Ambulatory Care Center will be speaking about the cognitive and social effects of untreated hearing loss. Judy Levitan received her Doctorate of Audiology at Salus University. She received her Masters of Science at Hunter […]

Life Long Learning: How Do American Political Institutions Govern in an Era of Divisive Partisanship?

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

The American political system presents challenges to governing in the best of circumstances. Separation of powers and federalism create a system of multiple veto points making it difficult to build support for policies. At some points in American political history, the two-party system helped overcome these inherent obstacles to governing, but now, they make the […]


JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

JCC MetroWest presents, Jen Maxfield, "More After the Break: A Reporter Returns to Ten Unfor­get­table News Stories" In-person at the J! A Molly Burack Annual Lecture Based on her two-decade career as a local TV news reporter in New York City, Jen Max­field takes read­ers on a dra­mat­ic ride-along with her in the live truck, from the moment she […]


JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

JCC MetroWest presents, Howard Blum, "The Spy Who Knew Too Much" In-person at the J! This true sto­ry begins on an Autumn morn­ing in 1978. A sail­boat runs aground on the Chesa­peake Bay. The coast guard finds bul­lets scat­tered on the deck, top secret gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments in the gal­ley, and a clas­si­fied trans­mit­ter used to com­mu­ni­cate with satellites. There’s […]

Life Long Learning: Stephen Sondheim: Worlds to Change

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

From the groundbreaking West Side Story to the beloved Into the Woods, this innovative songwriter redefined the Broadway musical. His scores graced the elegant A Little Night Music, the blood-soaked Sweeney Todd, and the urban alienation of Company. Why was Sondheim so unhappy with some of his most popular lyrics? And what does the phrase […]

Life Long Learning: Ben Shahn: The People’s Painter

JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Two-Part Series! Ben Shahn is celebrated for his bold, anguished imagery, which he deployed in order to protest against social injustice. His paintings, photographs, graphic art, and public murals were his way to practice tikkun olam, repairing the world. For Shahn, art was a powerful tool for effecting change. He asserted: “If we are to […]

Life Long Learning: Ben Shahn: The People’s Painter

JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Two-Part Series! Ben Shahn is celebrated for his bold, anguished imagery, which he deployed in order to protest against social injustice. His paintings, photographs, graphic art, and public murals were his way to practice tikkun olam, repairing the world. For Shahn, art was a powerful tool for effecting change. He asserted: “If we are to […]

Life Long Learning: Ben Shahn: The People’s Painter

JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Two-Part Series! Ben Shahn is celebrated for his bold, anguished imagery, which he deployed in order to protest against social injustice. His paintings, photographs, graphic art, and public murals were his way to practice tikkun olam, repairing the world. For Shahn, art was a powerful tool for effecting change. He asserted: “If we are to […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: The Minna Miller Edison Story with Alex Rimer

JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

SEDUCED BY THE LIGHT The Mina Miller Edison Story by Alexandra Rimer This special summer Life Long Learning program will discuss the first and only biography of Mina Miller Edison, the wife of Thomas Edison. This account draws on unprecedented access to Edison family diaries, memoirs, and letters to look below the surface of the […]

Life Long Learning: I am a Palestinian Jew

JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Summer Life Long Learning: At the age of 93, my first book, "I Am A Palestinian Jew", has just been published and is on Amazon- Margalit Edelson. It is a memoir, covering the period between my own birth in 1930 and the birth of Israel in 1948. With historical background, it describes life in Palestine […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: What’s a Nice Jewish Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This? Jews, Prison and Spirituality

JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

For the last 28 years, Elaine Leeder has been working in prisons. She has seen that there is redemption, remorse, and contrition behind the walls, finding that people can be transformed even in the most oppressive of circumstances. She will discuss the Jewish values of Teshuvah, Chesed, and Tikkun Olam that deeply inform her work. […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: 2023: Celebrating the Genius of Pablo Picasso

JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso. Join Janet Mandel to learn about Picasso’s inexhaustible creativity and explore his tumultuous life, revealed through beautiful images of his major paintings and sculptures. In conjunction with this lecture, we will be taking a Day Trip to MoMA on Thursday, October 5th. We will […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: A Beginner’s Guide to Advanced Spirituality

JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Rabbi Dan Ehrenkrantz will discuss his award-winning book, Where Are You? A Beginner’s Guide to Advanced Spirituality, as he leads the audience on a journey of transformation. Aided by wisdom from multiple traditions, he will talk about how one can find a spirituality that fits within every religion, and within no religion. Atheists and believers […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: The History of American Song

JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

The History of American Song is as complex and beautiful as America itself. American music includes Jazz, Blues, Folk, Country, Bluegrass, Broadway, and Rock & Roll. This interactive lecture will include live performances throughout the program, celebrating this wonderful repertoire. Gary Negbaur is a pianist, vocalist, educator, and composer. He plays Jazz, Blues and American […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: 36th Annual Shirley C. Green Memorial Symposium Israel Update with Max Kleinman

JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Max Kleinman is a consultant for the Jewish Community Legacy Project and chairs the Combatting Antisemitism Initiative for Congregation Agudath Israel in Caldwell, NJ. He is a columnist for the New Jersey Jewish News and president of the Fifth Commandment Foundation. For two decades, he was the CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: The Past Is Prologue: Political Films of the 1970s

JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

The 1970s were an artistically-rich period for American filmmaking, which often responded to recent history and the socio-political environment of the 1970s. Some of these films are best-considered products of their time, while others offer prescient glimpses into the challenges of the 21st Century. This lecture will discuss both, with relevant film clips. Some of […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: Screen to Stage: When Films Become Broadway Musicals

JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

It used to be common for stage musicals to be adapted as films. The trend has reversed and now it seems like most new Broadway musicals are based on popular films. How far back does this trend go? What caused the switch? John Kenrick celebrates this popular trend with backstage stories and performance videos. John […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: A Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center Lecture, Problems Falling Asleep & Staying Asleep

JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Sleep plays a crucial role in improving your physical and mental wellbeing. Join Jackie Morgado, Lead Technologist at the Center for Sleep Disorders at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center, to learn about sleep disorders, the effect of sleep on your health, and ways to sleep better. Free to All-reservations strongly encouraged REGISTER HERE  

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: The American Way: A True Story of Nazi Escape, Superman, and Marilyn Monroe

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

REGISTER HERE “The American Way: A True Story of Nazi Escape, Superman, and Marilyn Monroe,” with Bonnie Siegler & Helene Stapinski The American Way is a vivacious story of two very different men, both striving to make their way in New York, their lives intersecting with a glittering array of luminaries from Billy Wilder and […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: Molly Burack Annual Lecture “Teachers, The Ones I Can’t Forget”

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

REGISTER HERE Molly Burack Annual Lecture “Teachers, The Ones I Can’t Forget,” with Martin Fletcher Join us in person as Martin Fletcher discusses via ZOOM his latest book, Teachers, The Ones I Can’t Forget. This session will be moderated by Life Long Learning Committee member, social activist, and former teacher, Ruth Ross. Teachers are the […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: Balance and Falls

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

REGISTER HERE A Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center Lecture: Balance and Falls This program will discuss risk factors, safety considerations, the role of physical therapy, and exercise to reduce falls and maintain balance. Patricia Nolan PT is a Physical Therapist at Cooperman Barnabas Ambulatory Care Center. She has 22 years of clinical experience and has been […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: Morgenthau: Power, Privilege, and the Rise of the American Dynasty

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

REGISTER HERE Morgenthau: Power, Privilege, and the Rise of the American Dynasty with Andrew Meier   Journalist Andrew Meier will speak about his latest book, Morgenthau: Power, Privilege, and the Rise of the American Dynasty. He traces four generations of Morgenthaus, culminating in the life of New York County’s longest-serving district attorney. Andrew Meier is […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: The Harlem Renaissance: Courage, Grace, and Vision

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

REGISTER HERE The Harlem Renaissance: Courage, Grace, and Vision with Janet Mandel The Harlem Renaissance was the beginning of an explosion in creativity that transformed African American identity and history, but it also transformed American culture in general. This talk will introduce you to many of the inspired artists who produced astonishing and ground-breaking work […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: Honest Aging: An Insider’s Guide to the Second Half of Life

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

REGISTER HERE Honest Aging: An Insider’s Guide to the Second Half of Life with Rosanne M. Liepzig Honest Aging is an indispensable guide to the second half of life, describing what to expect physically, psychologically, functionally, and emotionally as you age. With candor, humor, and empathy, this book will provide you with the knowledge and […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: 50 Years in Broadway Audiences: Treasured Memories

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

REGISTER HERE 50 Years in Broadway Audiences: Treasured Memories with John Kenrick Theater historian John Kenrick saw his first Broadway show back in 1974, and he returns to look back on his half-century of cheering for hits and cringing through flops. Which shows did he work on, and what was the worst thing he ever […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: Unearthed: A Lost Actress, a Forbidden Book, and a Search for Life in the Shadow of the Holocaust

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

REGISTER HERE Yom HaShoah Program Unearthed: A Lost Actress, a Forbidden Book, and a Search for Life in the Shadow of the Holocaust with Meryl Frank Unearthed is the story of Meryl Frank’s search for her cousin Franya and a timely history of hatred and resistance. A thrilling mystery woven into a beautifully constructed family […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: Humor as Resistance in Holocaust Cinema

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

REGISTER HERE Humor as Resistance in Holocaust Cinema with Stuart Weinstock When does comedy serve a higher purpose than entertainment? Jewish responses to Nazism and the Holocaust have utilized humor to attack the perceived power of totalitarianism and assert the dignity and humanity of those who survive to tell jokes. Some of the films to […]

Life Long Learning: Culinary Therapy with Executive Chef Cardie Mortimer

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Special Summer Life Long Learning Presentation Discover the transformative power of Culinary Therapy with Executive Chef Cardie Mortimer, who leads his audiences on a journey of inspiration, laughter, and healing through the art of food. His powerful presentation takes viewers on a thought-provoking and fun-loving tour of his storied career, the challenges he overcame, the […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: The Borscht Belt: The Comic Legacy of the Jewish Alps with John Kenrick

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

The Jewish Catskill resorts of the 20th Century were a summer paradise for millions and the birthplace of great comic careers. Mel Brooks, Sid Caesar, Rodney Dangerfield, Joan Rivers, Jackie Mason, and many others learned to win laughs from the patrons of Grossingers, Browns, The Concord, Kutchers, and The Nevele, just to name a few. […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: Aging with Spirituality: How Does Developing a Spiritual Practice and Outlook Support and Enhance Our Aging Experience? With Karen Frank

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

The Ritzer Lecture We sometimes feel a helplessness with the changes that accompany aging, perhaps a sorrowful sense of loss. How can we take a different, more spiritual view of ourselves and this process that increases our gratitude and joy?   Karen Frank is a Pastoral Nurse and Jewish Spiritual Director whose work integrates physical […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: The Talented Mrs. Mandelbaum: The Rise and Fall of an American Organized-Crime Boss with Margalit Fox

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

The Talented Mrs. Mandelbaum paints a vivid portrait of Gilded Age New York, a city teeming with nefarious rogues and capitalist power, all straddling the line between underworld enterprise and “legitimate” commerce. Combining deep historical research with the narrative flair for which she is celebrated, Margalit Fox tells the unforgettable true story of a once-famous heroine […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

37th Annual Shirley C. Green Memorial Symposium: Israel Update with Benjamin Mann

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Benjamin Mann, Chief Planning Officer at the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest   Free to All / Reservations strongly encouraged / Refreshments to follow REGISTER HERE The annual Shirley C. Green Memorial Symposium is presented in recognition of her life-long devotion and efforts on behalf of Israel. The program is made possible through the generosity […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: Sonia Delaunay: A Modern Language of Color with Janet Mandel

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Sonia Delaunay was an avant-garde artist who spent her life experimenting with the language of color and abstraction. She developed a varied practice, giving equal weight to design and fine art. While remaining faithful to abstract painting, she created innovative designs in typography and textile prints. She crafted handmade garments and ready-to-wear fashion and designed […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: Fact or Fiction: How to Find Accurate Health Information Online, Health Information on the Internet and Interactive Examples of How to Obtain Accurate Information

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

A Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center Lecture with Brittany Haliani   This program will discuss how to research and find accurate health information on the internet. Brittany Haliani started her medical library career at the Mayo Clinic. She received her Master of Library Science degree with a focus on medicine, from Texas Women’s University. Prior to her position at […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: Rockin’ Through the 50s and 60s

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

The Birth of Rock and Roll, the British Invasion, Broadway Classics, Cool and Latin Jazz with Gary Negbaur Come Rock through the 50s and 60s with Gary Negbaur. This interactive lecture will include live performances, celebrating Rock and Roll, the British Invasion, Broadway Classics, Cool and Latin Jazz.   Gary Negbaur is a pianist, vocalist, educator, […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: Ephraim Kishon

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Ephraim Kishon: Father of Israeli Comedy with Stuart Weinstock   From his roots in Hungary, where he survived the Holocaust and Communist repression, to the peak of the Israeli arts establishment, Ephraim Kishon is a singular talent in Jewish culture. This lecture will cover Kishon's biography and include clips of the five popular and influential […]

Event Series Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning: Sound of Music: The History Behind the Beloved Musical with John Kenrick

JCC MetroWest 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Was Captain Von Trapp really a strict disciplinarian to his seven children? How did Rodgers and Hammerstein come to adapt their story as a Broadway musical? And why did the survival of 20th Century Fox depend upon the success of the film version? Entertainment historian John Kenrick uses rare photos, exciting performance videos and fascinating […]

Life Long Learning: Jewish Cadets at West Point with Joel Kampf

JCC MetroWest | Maurice Levin Theater 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Jews have been a part of West Point since the first class of 1802. In 2019, the number of Jewish graduates from the Academy passed 1,000. Joel Kampf of West Orange will show the short film, Diversity in the Long Gray Line, and then discuss the Jewish experience in this venerable institution. Joel Kampf, West […]

Life Long Learning: The Jazzmen: How Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, and Count Basie Transformed America with author Larry Tye

JCC MetroWest | Maurice Levin Theater 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

We will be hosting our program in the theater and hope you will be able to attend in person. However, if you feel that you are not comfortable driving to the JCC on Wednesday, here is the Zoom Link:   The Jazzmen is a sweeping and spellbinding portrait of the longtime kings of jazz, […]