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Adult Enrichment: Fun Favorites on the Banjo with Flip Peters
JCC MetroWest | Tepper Hall 760 Northfield Ave, West OrangeWeek of Events
NJJFF: Irena’s Vow
NJJFF: Irena’s Vow
Post-screening Zoom Q&A with Jeannie Smith, daughter of Irena Gut Opdyke PURCHASE TICKETS Director: Louise Archambault 2023, 120 minutes English with English subtitles Feature This thrilling drama tells the heroic true story of 19-year-old Irena Gut (portrayed by Sophie Nélisse, of the hit series Yellowjackets), a Polish nursing student who is conscripted to work as […]
NJJFF: Love Gets a Room
NJJFF: Love Gets a Room
Post-screening Zoom Q&A with writer-director-editor Rodrigo Cortes $10 Matinee PURCHASE TICKETS Director: Rodrigo Cortes 2021, 103 minutes English with English subtitles Feature Stefcia, a Jewish actress with a theater company in the Warsaw Ghetto, must make several major life decisions, including whether to escape, in the midst of a stage performance. This drama features an […]
Adult Enrichment: Fun Favorites on the Banjo with Flip Peters
Adult Enrichment: Fun Favorites on the Banjo with Flip Peters
Join us for a fun-filled afternoon with Flip! For more information, please contact Jelena at 973-530-3474.
Family Splash Time
NJJFF: Arugam Bay
NJJFF: Arugam Bay
Talkback after the film PURCHASE TICKETS Director: Marco Carmel 2023, 97 minutes Hebrew, English, and Sinhala with English subtitles Feature After completing their military service, three Israeli surfers set out on a soul-searching trip to the southeast coast of Sri Lanka, while grieving their friend’s death in combat near Beirut. As they explore the tropical […]
NJJFF: Shorts Program
NJJFF: Shorts Program
Total running time: 108 minutes All short films have English subtitles PURCHASE TICKETS The Father, the Son, and the Rav Kalmenson – France, Dayan D. Oualid, 15 minutes One Shabbat, a playful six-year-old poses an unexpected problem for his father and the men of their Orthodox synagogue. Letter to a Pig – Israel/France, Tal […]
Family Splash Time
NJJFF: Matchmaking
NJJFF: Matchmaking
Talkback after the film Director: Erez Tadmor 2022, 96 minutes Hebrew with English subtitles Feature PURCHASE TICKETS A box office hit in Israel and on the Jewish film festival circuit, Matchmaking tells the comic story of Moti Bernstein, the ideal yeshiva bucher and the perfect match for any Haredi Orthodox bride-to-be. While Moti seems to […]
NJJFF: It’s a Wrap
NJJFF: It’s a Wrap
Post-screening Zoom Q&A with the filmmakers Amit Miller and Miri Urman And in-person Q&A with Shari Haber of My Great Goodbye PURCHASE TICKETS Directors: Amit Miller and Miri Urman 2022; 56 minutes Hebrew with English subtitles Documentary After suffering through painful cancer treatment, Grandma Haya decides to stop eating and taking her medication and to […]
NJJFF: Kidnapped
NJJFF: Kidnapped
Post-screening Q&A with Andrea Grover, translator, author, and NYU professor of Jewish-Italian History and Italian Culture PURCHASE TICKETS Director: Marco Bellocchio 2023; 134 minutes Italian with English subtitles Feature This opulent period drama tells a true story: In 1858, in the Jewish quarter of Bologna, the Pope’s soldiers forcibly remove seven-year-old Edgardo Mortara from his […]