Day Habilitation Program (21+)
Day Habilitation Program (Ages: 21+)
Approved provider through NJ Developmental Disabilities Division (DDD) & Medicaid.
This program for adults 21+ focuses on life skills activities both onsite at the JCC and in the greater community. Activities include social skills training in an interactive community center setting, swimming (both instructional and recreational), yoga, sports recreation, daily living skills training, community trips (supermarkets, shopping malls, and restaurants), food preparation skills, critical thinking skills training, current events awareness and discussion, and special projects with both children and senior populations, which can include concerts, art projects, and holiday-related programs.
Rates will be determined by individual tiers for participants enrolled in the Medicaid Supports Program For participants not enrolled in DDD: M: $80 per day G: $85 per day.

Marisa is a graduate of the University of Georgia (B.S.E.D. Educational Psychology) and New York University (M.A. Rehabilitation Counseling) and holds a certification in Rehabilitation Counseling (CRC). A tenured special…
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